30 Desember 2011

Lowongan Astra Graphia

1 komentar
Astragraphia started its journey in 1971 as a Xerox Division of PT Astra International engaging in the exclusive marketing and after sales services of xerox photocopy machines throughout Indonesia. In
line with the rapid bussiness growth, in 1976 the Xerox Division seperated itself from PT Astra International and became an independent company, PT Astra Graphia.

In the framework of building a solid platform for its business development, in 1989 Astragraphia became a public company by listing its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange.

Currently, entering its 30th year as an independent company,Astragraphia focuses on the Document Solution business with Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd, as its main principal, a global expert document company with head office in Japan. The Document Solution bussiness does not only comprise the photocopy machine bussiness, but has meanwhile transformed alongside the rapid growth of the IT development to emerge
as an IT-Based Document Solution Provider. Its function scope expanded too, starting with document input (creating, scaning, merging, editing), document management (sharing, archieving, distributing, routing) to document output (printing, faxing, copying, e-mailing, web viewing) with various configurations.

Astra graphia has divided Document Solution inti four main business areas, namely: Office Product Business, Production System Business, Printer Channel Business and Services Business. The division of those businesses is based on the type of hadrware and services offered.

Astragraphia underlines providing enhanced values to customers, instead of just selling hardware. This fact is supported by developing the Valued Services and Solutions (VSS) methods in 2004, which is a work efficiency and effectiveness enhancing oriented marketing approach for the customers. The VSS methods starts with an assessment process prior to establishing the document management design for a company. When it has been approved by the customer it is followed by the implementation stage or instalation of the solution, followed by an evaluation wheather the system is appropriate and achieves productivity expected, and finally the improvement stage if any is required.

Astra graphia continues to strive to provide unsurpassed service quality to its customers by expanding its scope throughout Indonesia and other neighboring regions, such as Timor Leste.

Up to the end of 2005, Astra graphia managed 19 branch offices and 53 service points spread throughout the country. In addition to its own distribution network, Astra graphia also conducts sales and provides
services through dealers and resellers wjo are strategically spread all over Indonesia.

To strengthen Astra graphia's position in the promosing IT market in Indonesia, penetration is conducted through PT SCS Astra graphia and 51% shares owned by Singapore Computer System Limited (SCS). Fortified y its competence and experience over almost 23 years in the IT bussiness (previously through the IT solution Bussiness unit), SAT has emerged as one of the top three companies in the field of integrated
IT Solution Business in Indonesia. In fact, presently SAT possesses the platform to access international markets already penetrated by SCS regionally.

Management Trainee (MT) :
Account Manager
    Bachelor Degree from IT / Computer (preferred), other Major are
welcome to apply
    Male/Female Max 27 Years Old
    Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
    Mastering English
    Willing to be placed all PT Astra Graphia branches

Customer Engineer
    Bachelor Degree from IT / Computer / Electronic / Electric
(preferred), other Major are welcome to apply
    Male/Female Max 27 Years Old
    Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
    Mastering English
    Willing to be placed all PT Astra Graphia branches

Interested candidates please send your application to

HR Division PT Astragraphia
Jl. Kramat Raya No. 43
Jakarta Pusat 10450
Tel. : (021) 390 9444–390 9190
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29 Desember 2011

Lowongan UT School

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Kami salah satu lembaga pendidikan non formal yang saat ini dinaungi salah satu yayasan dari PT UNITED TRACTORS TBK. Membutuhkan calon INSTRUKTUR & SUPERVISOR ALAT BERAT yang akan dididik dan akan bertugas di dunia alat berat sebagai instruktur profesional.
Syarat-syarat :
  1. Laki-laki berusia 24 Tahun/Maksimum untuk D3 dan 26 Tahun/Maksimum untuk S1
  2. Jurusan Mesin/Otomotif / Elektro/Elektronika/Mekatronika
  3. IPK Min 2,8
  4. Tinggi minimal 163 cm, tidak berkacamata dan dinyatakan tidak buta warna.
  5. Bersedia di tempatkan di luar P. Jawa, di area tambang.
  6. Menjalani Pendidikan selama 1 Tahun (OJT 8 Bulan dan in class 4 Bulan)
  7. Pendidikan In Class 4 Bulan di Jakarta, membayar pondokan sendiri, selebihnya akan ditempatkan untuk OJT yaitu dikalimantan biaya gratis
  8. Semua beban transport, akomodasi, pondokan dan pakaian seragam akan diberikan cuma-cuma selama OJT
  9. Memperoleh uang saku selama OJT (8 Bulan)
sebesar Rp. 2.000.000,-/ bulan (untuk S1) dan Rp. 1.700.000,-/ bulan (untuk D3).
  1. Proses Seleksi akan dilakukan dengan tahapan lulus seleksi tertulis, wawancara dan tes kesehatan.
  2. Tes insyaallah dilaksanakan pada awal Februari 2012 di UNY

Demikian pengumuman mengenai kebutuhan kami, silahkan mendaftarkan diri di sekretariat BKK FT UNY (Gedung KPLT FT UNY Lt 2 Sayap Barat)


Manajemen UT SCHOOL
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Lowongan PT. Indotruck Utama

1 komentar

PT. Indotruck Utama adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan dan servis truk dan alat berat yang telah berpengalaman selama lebih dari 23 tahun di Indonesia. Dengan ekspansi yang cukup luas, saat ini PT. Indotruck Utama akan mendirikan Indomobil School sehingga membutuhkan tenaga yang handal untuk posisi :

Technical Trainer (TT)

Persyaratan :
  • Pria, berbadan sehat dan tidak tersangkut perkara pidana.
  • Usia maks 23th dan tinggi min 170 cm.
  • D3 Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif.
  • Berkarakter tangguh, suka tantangan dan berjiwa petualang.
  • Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
  • Diutamakan pernah Praktik Industri sebagai mekanik truk atau alat berat.
  • Bersedia ditugaskan di seluruh area site / cabang perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia.

Kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV ke email :
atau ke alamat :
Training Centre PT. Indotruck Utama
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Kav 3A
Semper Timur, Jakarta Utara 14130

Paling Lambat tgl
20 Januari 2012
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18 Desember 2011

Sekolah Sugar Group & Politeknik SGC-ATMI

5 komentar

Sekolah Sugar Group is an Indonesian-rooted school Located in the site of Sugar Group Companies, Lampung Tengah. We are rapidly expanduing our educational service from kindergarten to secondary (high school) as well as Polythectnic
Currently, we are Seeking for Highly Qualified Educators with the following requirments :

- Teacher at Sekolah Sugar Group
1. Graduates of reputable universities
2. Subject;

  • Economics/ Accounting.
  • Mathematics 
  • Physics
  • PE/health Teacher
  • Biology
  • Kindergarten
  • Chemistry
  • Geography

3. Having been exposed to the most recent educational technology (as shown in the resume)
4. Having strong indonesian-culture awarness with global and visionary mindset

Lecturer & Instructor at Politeknik Agroteknologi  Sugar Group

1. S1 for Lecturer and D3 for Instructor

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Automotive / conversion energy engineering
  • haevy equipment engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Mechanical Drafting

2. having experience working in authorized workshops or training center is preferable

If you are interested to join with us, please send your CV and Contact Number to
Please Download Form of application Click Here!
This Vacancy opened until january 9, 2012
ony Short-listed candidates will be contadted
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16 Desember 2011


1 komentar

PT. Pundi Kencana adalah Group Perusahaan Tepung Terigu Multi Nasional (PMA) yang berada di beberapa negara diantaranya Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand dan Indonesia. Kami sudah berpengalaman selama lebih dari 40 tahun. dan saat ini sedang melakuakan ekspansi di Kota Cilegon-Banten.
Kami memberi kesempatan bagi kandidat-kandidat yang berdedikasi tinggi dan profesional untuk bergabung bersama kami untuk memenuhi posissi


Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan D3 Mesin, Elektro, Kimia, Produksi, Industri, Food Technology, Perhotelan. (kode TT).
  • Pendidikan S1 Mesin, Elektro, Kimia, Produksi, Industri. (kode MT).
  • Pengalaman 0-1 tahun.
  • Memiliki kepribadian yang baik, bertanggung jawab, pekerja keras, dan pantang menyerah.
  • lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman pada industri manufacturing.
  • bersedia bekerja shift
  • bersedia ditempatkan di Cilegon- Banten

Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirimkan Lamaran dan Biodata Diri ke PT. Pundi Kencana
Jl.. Jawa Kawasan Industrial Estate Cilegon II Ciwandan Cilegon Banten 
dengan mencantumkan kode posisi
atau kirim email ke :
dengan mencantumkan kode posisi pada bagian subject-nya dan attachment file mengenai lamaran dan CV
Paling lambat tanggal 2 Januari 2012

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13 Desember 2011


0 komentar

SUGAR GROUP COMPANIES adalah Perkebunan dan Pabrik Gula di Propinsi Lampung. Kami mengajak Anda untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan kami. Berikut posisi dan kualifikasi yang kami butuhkan:

D3 Technical


  1. Dapat Berbahasa Inggris
  2. IPK Min. 2.5
  3. Lulusan 
  • D3 : Teknik Otomotif
  • D3 : Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektronika, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Elektro
  • D3 :  Akuntansi

  1. Dapat bekerja secara individu dan tim
  2. Bersedia bekerja di office dan lapangan
Berkas Lamaran terdiri dari:
  1. CV
  2. Fotocopy Ijasah dan Transkip Nilai yang sudah di legalisir (Surat Keterangan Lulus bagi yang belum wisuda)
  3. Fotocopy KTP
  4. Foto 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar

Aplikasi Lamaran dikirimkan ke:
         Kantor BKK FT UNY atau mendaftar secara online!
         Joko     (085643469416)
         Danang  (085729264027)
         Hayat    (085643232329)

Batas akhir Pendaftaran: 

Tanggal 31 Desember 2011


Waktu dan Tempat Tes: 
Waktu dan tempat tes akan diinformasikan kemudian.
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