27 Maret 2012

Lowongan Kerja UT School

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UT School merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan non formal yang saat ini dinaungi salah satu yayasan dari PT UNITED TRACTORS TBK. Membutuhkan calon INSTRUKTUR & SUPERVISOR ALAT BERAT yang akan dididik dan akan bertugas di dunia alat berat sebagai instruktur profesional.

Syarat-syarat :
1.    Alumni D3 mesin, otomotif, elektro, elektronika.
2.    Pria  berusia maksimum 24 tahun.
3.    Tidak berkacamata dan tidak butawarna.
4.    Memperoleh uang saku  selama OJT Rp1.700.00,-
5.    Selama di jakarta menjalani pendidikkan In class, bersedia membayar pondokkan sendiri.
6.    Mulai pembelajaran di bulan MEI 2012
7.  Sistim pembelajaran 3 bulan in Class di jakarta, sesudahnya OJT / praktek kerja di kalimantan selama 6 bulan, semua biaya gratis  di lapangan /messing, makan , cuci baju ,transport pp / pesawat.
8.  Sudah tamat kuliah ,lulus / sudah yudisium, bagi yang belum lulus  dan hanya  menunggu yudisiumnya saja boleh saja ikut , tetapi akan diarahkan untuk program pembelajaran di bulan berikutnya yaitu juni / juli 2012.
9.    Tes yang dilakukan adalah tertulis, wawancara dan medical tes.
10. Bersedia  diarahkan untuk posisi instruktur dan officer technical dibidang alat berat.
11. Bersedia pula untuk ditempatkan dan bekerja di luar Pulau Jawa yaitu di kalimantan / tambang.

Aplikasi Lamaran dikirimkan ke:
*      Kantor BKK FT UNY
Gedung KPLT Lt. 2  Sayap Barat
*      Atau daftar online.

Tes akan dilakasanakan :
18 April 2012
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22 Maret 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT. Indotruck Utama

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PT. Indotruck Utama adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan truk dan alat berat  yang telah berpengalaman selama lebih dari 23 tahun di Indonesia. Dengan ekspansi yang cukup luas, saat ini PT. Indotruck Utama membutuhkan tenaga yang handal untuk posisi :
Technical Trainer (TT)
Persyaratan :
ü  Pria, berbadan sehat dan tidak tersangkut perkara pidana.
ü  Usia maks  35th dan tinggi min 165 cm.
ü  Pendidikan min S1 Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif.
ü  Berkarakter tangguh, suka tantangan dan berjiwa petualang.
ü  Diutamakan pernah mengikuti kegiatan kemahasiswaan.
ü  Diutamakan pernah Praktik Industri sebagai mekanik truk atau alat berat.
ü  Bersedia ditugaskan di seluruh area site / cabang perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia.

Kirimkan surat lamaran anda ke email :

atau ke alamat :
Training Centre PT. Indotruck Utama
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Kav 3A
Semper Timur, Jakarta Utara 14130
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Lowongan Kerja PT. Saptaindra Sejati

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PT. Saptaindra Sejati (PT. SIS), merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT Adaro Energy Tbk, adalah sebuah perusahaan kontraktor tambang yang terbukti baik dan modern yang menyediakan jasa ke perusahaan pertambangan dan industri terkait lainnya yang berkembang pesat di area pulau Kalimantan dan sekitarnya, sedang mencari orang-orang yang ambisius dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk bekerja di area tambang untuk medukung perkembangan perusahaan (PT. SIS) PT. Saptaindra Sejati untuk posisi berikut:


Kualifikasi :
ü  Laki-laki, maks m25 th
ü  IPK min 2,75
ü  Jurusan T Otomotif, Mesin, Elektro, Elektronika
ü  Kuat fisik dan mental
ü  Belum pernah terdaftar sebagai pelamar di PT. SIS antara 2010-2011

Berkas lamaran terdiri dari :
1.    Surat Lamaran.
2.    Curiculum Vitae.
3.    Ijazah & Transkip nilai akademik yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang
4.    Pass Foto 2 Lembar ( 4X6 ) berwarna.
5.    Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari kepolisian.

Aplikasi Lamaran dikirimkan ke:
*      Kantor BKK FT UNY
Gedung KPLT Lt. 2  Sayap Barat
*      Atau daftar online.  SEKARANG !! 

Info Hayat (085 643 232 329)
       Fata   (085 693 893 053)
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20 Maret 2012

Lowongan Astra Otoparts

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk bergerak dalam bidang usaha manufacturing dan trading suku cadang kendaraan bermotor roda dua maupun roda empat, serta terdiri dari 30 anak perusahaan dengan jaringan domestik dan internasional. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang unggul dan handal untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :


Kulifikasi :
ü  Lulusa : D3 / S1 Teknik Otomotif, Mesin, Elektro, Elektronika, Industri, Perkapalan, Penerbangan, Perpipaan, Akuntansi
ü  Lulusan : S1 Teknik Metalugi, Lingkungan, Hukum, Manajemen, Psikologi
ü  Usia maksimal 26 tahun
ü  IPK minimal 2,80
ü  Fresh graduate atau pengalaman kerja maksimal 2 tahun
ü  Motivasi tinggi, orientasi pada target dan dapat bekerja sama dalam tim

Berkas Lamaran terdiri dari :
1.    Surat Lamaran
2.    Curiculum Vitae
3.    Fotokopi Ijazah
4.    Transkip Nilai
5.    Pas poto 4x6
6.    Fotokopi KTP

Aplikasi Lamaran dikirimkan ke:
*      Kantor BKK FT UNY
Gedung KPLT Lt. 2  Sayap Barat
*      Atau daftar online.  SEKARANG !! 
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19 Maret 2012

Lowongan Hotel Puri Asri Magelang

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HOTEL PURI ASRI MAGELANG terletak di pusat Magelang, Hotel Puri Asri dikelilingi oleh pegunungan. Menghadap sungai dan persawahan hijau yang luas, hotel memiliki sebuah kolam renang dan fasilitas spa.

Puri Asri menawarkan kamar-kamar modern dengan perabotan kayu dan lantai keramik. Setiap kamar ber-AC-nya didekorasi dalam warna-warna alami dan memiliki TV satelit layar datar.

Apung Restaurant dikelilingi oleh kolam renang dan menyajikan masakan lokal dan Asia. Pringgondani Restaurant menyediakan pilihan masakan Indonesia dan Eropa, sementara Poncowati Lounge menawarkan aneka pilihan camilan, koktail, dan hidangan ringan.

Menbutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai posisi :
> Indonesian Cook,  Western Cook,  Pastry Cook( Laki-laki berpengalaman )
> Marketing Executive (Laki-laki berpengalaman)
> Sekretaris HRD (Perempuan mak.26 th, min.D3 Psychology
> Bartender (Laki-laki mak.26 th)

# Pria  TB min. 165 cm penampilan menarik, proaktif, jujur
# Diutamakan berpengalaman dibidangnya

Lamaran lengkap, Photo terbaru kirim ke:
Hotel Puri Asri
Jl.Cempaka No.9 Magelang 56122
Central Java – Indonesia
Phone :  +62 293 365115
Fax     :  +62 293 364400
HP      : 08995 109109
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16 Maret 2012

Lowongan PT Kayaba Indonesia

5 komentar

PT. KAYABA INDONESIA ( ASTRA Component Group) membuka kesempatan seluas mungkin kepada Alumni untuk bergabung dengan mengisi posisi sebagai :
Foreman Produksi
Foreman Process Engineering
Foreman Maintenance
Foreman Quality Assurance
Foreman PPC (Planning Production Control)
Foreman CPC (Cost Planning Control)

Kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
   D3 Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Otomotif dan Elektro, Elektronika
   IPK minimal 2,75 (Skala 4)
   Mau Bekerja keras, memiliki kemauan kuat untuk belajar
   Memiliki kemampuan Leadership
   Single, Usia Maximum 25 Tahun

Berkas lamaran terdiri dari :
  # Surat Lamaran,
  # Daftar Riwayat Hidup,
  # Fotokopi Ijazah,
  # Traskrip Nilai,
  # Pas Photo ukuran 4x6,
  # Copy KTP yang masih berlaku,

Aplikasi Lamaran dikirimkan ke:
Gedung KPLT Lt. 2  Sayap Barat
Atau daftar online. SEKARANG !!

Batas akhir Pendaftaran
30 Maret 2012
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14 Maret 2012

Lowongan Auto2000

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Auto2000 berdiri pada tahun 1975 dengan nama Astra Motor Sales, dan baru pada tahun 1989 berubah nama menjadi Auto2000. Auto2000 adalah jaringan jasa penjualan, perawatan, perbaikan dan penyediaan suku cadang Toyota yang manajemennya ditangani penuh oleh PT Astra International Tbk.

Saat ini Auto2000 adalah main dealer Toyota terbesar di Indonesia, yang menguasai antara 70-80 % dari total penjualan Toyota. Dalam aktivitas bisnisnya, Auto2000 berhubungan dengan PT Toyota Astra Motor yang menjadi Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek (ATPM) Toyota. Auto2000 adalah dealer resmi Toyota bersama 4 dealer resmi Toyota yang lain.
Sehubungan dengan itu Auto2000 akan mengadakan rekrutmen dengan posisi
Service Development Program (SDP)
yang akan dipersiapakan untuk menjadi Service Advisor.

Kualifikasi :
ü    Usia maks. 27 th
ü  Mahasiswa tingkat akhir atau lulusan D3 Jurusan Teknik Mesin Otomotif / Mekanik (IPK min. 2,80)
ü   Aktif berorganisasi
ü   Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang Auto2000

Jika anda berminat dapat mendaftar di :
Gedung KPLT Lt. 2  Sayap Barat
Atau mendaftar secara Online. SEKARANG!!

Paling Lambat tanggal 29 Maret 2012

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8 Maret 2012

Lowongan PT. Sumber Graha Sejahtera

4 komentar

PT. Sumber Graha Sejahtera merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Plywood yang terdiri dari Plywood Tipis, Plywood Tebal, Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), Piano Parts, Floorbase, dan lain sebagainya dan berlokasi di Tangerang Kebutuhan Sumber Daya Manusia di perusahaan kami terus meningkat sesuai dengan perkembangan perusahaan. Maka perlu adanya tenaga baru potensial yang mampu memikul tanggung jawab dalam mengembangkan Visi dan Misi Perusahaan.
Posisi yang ditawarka :

Management Trainee (MT)

Kualifikasi :
  1. Laki-laki
  2. Umur 22-28 th
  3. S1 Teknik
  4. Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan
  5. Bersedia ditugaskan dimana saja
  6. Mampu bekerjasama tim dengan baik dan komunikasi
  7. Kreatif dan inovatif

Paling lamabat tgl 31 Maret 2012

Kirim CV dan Lamaran Kerja
Ke HRD Manager PT. SGS

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Lowongan PT. Gameloft Indonesia

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PT Gameloft Indonesia is a leading global developer and publisher of downloadable video games, Gameloft® has established itself as one of the top innovators in its field since 2000. Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms, including mobile phones, smartphones and tablets ( including Apple® iOS and Android® devices ), set top box, connected TVs and consoles. Gameloft partners with leading international brands such as UNO®, Spider - Man®, James Cameron’s Avatar™, Ferrari® and Sonic Unleashed®. Gameloft also operates its own established franchises, such as Real Football, Asphalt™, Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus and N. O. V. A Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance®. Gameloft is present in all continents, distributes its games in 100 countries and employs over 4, 000 developers.
Following its strategy of constantly delivering top games to players worldwide, Gameloft is now hiring: 

1. Java Programmer (24/3/2012)

  • As a member of Gameloft’s top-level engineering team in Yogyakarta - Indonesia Studio, report to Team Leader and Producer, your day-to-day work consists of programming and optimizing codes to create and port video games on a wide range of mobile phones. You will take part in projects involving various Gameloft studios around the world such as US, Europe, etc, and will work closely with project managers and other departments of the studio such as quality assurance, game design, and graphic art to deliver high-quality mobile games for international markets.
  • Proficiency in Java or C/C++. Bachelor degree or equivalent in computer science is preferable;
  • Knowledge of J2ME, BREW, Symbian, iPhone OS or 3D programming is a plus;
  • Knowledge of graphic development (2D&3D). Experience in game programming is a plus;
  • Good reading and writing skills in English;
  • Team spirit, sense of responsibility, deadline commitment; Ability to work under high pressure;
  • Both junior and senior profiles are welcome.
2. Java Programmer, C++ Game Programmer

  • As a member of Gameloft's talented team in Yogyakarta Studio, report to Team Leader and Producer your day-to-day work consists of development, coding and debugging, integrating graphics, sound, and other game components, to deliver video games on high-end mobile devices integrating state-of-the-art technologies (Android, Symbian, Windows Phone 7, Brew, etc).
  • You will take part in the full cycle development of mobile games from start to finish, in connection with Gameloft international teams in America, Europe and Asia. Gameloft products are among the top-rated mobile games on major international markets.
  • Excellent C/C++; (knowledge of Java is a plus).
  • Good knowledge of Android/Symbian/WindowsPhone7/Brew development is definitely an asset.
  • Capabilities in 3D programming and 3D engines (Irrlicht, Orge, etc) is a plus.
  • Experience in game programming is welcome.
  • Good English reading and writing skills.
  • Team spirit, sense of responsibility, deadline commitment.
  • Ability to work under high pressure.
  • Bachelor degree in computer science, software engineering or equivalent is preferable.
3. PMT Specialist - Yogyakarta

  • Being a Project Management Tool (PMT) database administration, you are responsible to keep PMT data in line with the real activities of the company, by collecting and updating information with relevant project managers; at Gameloft studio in Yogyakarta.
  • Administer PMT database for JOG Studio.
  • Prepare PMT reports and perform occasional PMT checking & ad hoc reports.
  • Prepare monthly reports and participate in the consolidation & analyses of cost.
  • Work with Cost Controller to develop and maintain other cost reports.
  • Assist Cost Controller in internal controls.
  • Excellent MS Excel skills (formula and functions, pivot tables, graphic charts, etc.);
  • Macro programming in MS Excel is a big plus;
  • Proficiency in English;
  • Excellent reporting skills;
  • Good analytical skills;
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines; ability to deliver reports in a timely and accurate manner; being well-organized and detail-oriented;
  • Good sense of responsibility and good teamwork;
  • Ability to work in a fast changing environment;
  • Knowledge in game industry is an advantage
  • In short: The Social Media Manager responsibility is to help the Business team to increase its revenue through social media marketing and PR 2.0 actions. As PR and Digital Marketing Specialist of the Indonesian market, he/she will work closely with the Digital Marketing Manager SEAP based in Sydney, Australia.

  • In detail Job Description Under the direct responsibility of the Digital Marketing Manager SEAP you will be responsible for launching our video games (iPhone/ iPad games/smartphones/ mobile) in Indonesia using mainly our social platforms and PRs:
  • Build and implement online marketing actions to leverage the sales in Indonesia (if needed develop your own tools - videos, ads, etc)
  • Manage our networks of bloggers and journalists to generate PRs with the specialized media / blogs (video games, techno, sports…), from time to time participate and manage events with media
  • Manage Gameloft Indonesia social network services profiles on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and on other local strong communities (to be developed) : post contents/messages, engage with users, moderate talks
  • Manage and improve the performance among the local audience of Gameloft Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, … : implement actions to increase the number of users, develop partnerships with other popular social platforms, analyze the results
  • Build editorial plannings and manage local Gameloft blog (enhancement, writing, and actions to leverage audience)
  • Benchmark web 2.0 marketing actions within the Industry and analyze the evolution and emergence of new social networks, and report it to the Digital Marketing Manager SEAP
  • Report marketing 2.0, PR actions, coverage and analysis to the Digital Marketing Manager SEAP
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Marketing or equivalent.
  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Marketing/Business Development or equivalent. Job role in Business Development or equivalent.
  • 1 Full-Time positions available.
  • Profile A video gamer (not necessary hard core) and product sensibility is a MUST Digital native (excellent knowledge of Facebook, Twitter, online services, smartphones...) Have a proven experience in social media marketing (SNS, blogs, internet usages and culture...) Experience with PRs (through email communication and events) Sales oriented Proactive, your practical sense helps you find and propose creative solutions Indonesian, with a good command in English Able to work independently, as part of a team
  • You’ll work with: The Digital Marketing Manager based in Sydney Local business team The video studios, graphic teams for your local tools The Global Product Managers based in Paris
  • Fresh graduate or 1 - 2 year experience in social media

5. Game Producer - Yogyakarta

  • Occupying the key position in game production process at Gameloft studio in Indonesia, you will coordinate project teams to develop world-class mobile games for international markets.
  • Your daily responsibilities consist of:
  • Planning, coordinating and supervising the mobile game development cycle
  • implemented by different teams, from the conception stage to the finalization stage (game design, programming, graphics, Quality Assurance etc).
  • Actively communicating with Head Quarter Producers as well as development teams in other countries.
  • Constantly controlling the game quality and the project status to make sure that the games are delivered on time and match Gameloft’s high quality standards.
  • Bachelor degree or equivalent in business administration, Management, IT, art/multimedia and related fields.
  • At least 2 years of experience in management position.
  • Good gaming background as well as ability to evaluate video games.
  • Strong analytical skill, very well-organized, problem-solving.
  • Responsible, result-oriented, able to work under high pressure and to handle multiple tasks at the same time.
  • Good leadership and team spirit.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent written and spoken English.
  • Foreign candidates must be able to speak Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Please specify your gaming background (video games and platforms you have played) in your job application.
    6. Game Tester - Yogyakarta

    • As a member of Gameloft's major Quality Assurance team, you will participate in the testing process to ensure the quality of our top-rated mobile games. Upon your skills and potential, you will be assigned specific tests; based on relevant requirements and checklists, you will describe and report bugs on bug database.
    • Working closely with producers and programmers from the beginning to the end of game production cycle, you will have an in-depth vision of video games on a wide range of mobile phones.
    • Strong interest and experience in playing video games.
    • Carefulness, great attention to details.
    • Good skills of English reading and writing.
    • Office computer literacy.
    7. IT Support Technician - Yogyakarta

    • Gameloft is looking for an experienced, dynamic, autonomous, and highly motivated computer support technician to provide efficient solutions to users.

    • Duties and responsibilities include:
      • Level 1 support, providing hardware and software support on employee systems (troubleshooting email, network, and peripheral equipment problems, for example).
      • OS and application installations, upgrades, and maintenance, following standards defined by the GNS (Global Network Services) Team and Gameloft Management.
      • Hardware installation and deployment, including PC, printer, telephone and fax installations.
      • Task automation of the above mentioned points wherever possible.
      • Documentation and end-user FAQ preparation.
      • Manage IT equipment inventory.
    • Experience in managing, maintaining, and debugging a large installed base of PC computers (mainly MS Windows 7 Pro. and Linux Ubuntu 10) in a networked environment.
    • Good understanding of TCP/IP and network troubleshooting.
    • Experience and strong knowledge with MS Operating Systems (especially XP), Office applications, common network services and protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMB, etc.)
    • Experience with enterprise class software deployment and inventory solutions is definitely an asset.
    • Experience with enterprise class antivirus solutions is definitely an asset.
    • Experiencing with Ghost, Sysrep, WinPE, and other similar tools is definitely an asset.
    • Good knowledge of Linux.
    • Customer-oriented and service minded.
    • Strong interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills.
    • Analytical, problem solving expertise.
    • Ability to work under pressure and in a fast paced environment.
    • Independent and highly motivated worker with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.
    • Ability to effectively communicate in English would be considered a definite asset.
    Benefit :
    • Join a world leading developer and publisher of mobile and downloadable video games
    • with state-of-the-art mobile technology and devices.
    • Be part of talented international teams in a friendly, creative and dynamic environment.
    • Be trained to become a professional of the fast-growing, passionate and innovative video game industry.
    • Be proud to deliver prestigious products winning top rankings worldwide.
    • Be rewarded with attractive remuneration (dynamic salary review, bonuses, etc) and other fringe benefits closely linked with performance and contribution to the company.
    • Enjoy Gameloft's exciting life with company trips, sponsored team buildings, sport clubs (futsal, tennis, swimming, badminton, etc), and plenty of joyful events and celebrations.
    • Build up your stable career with dynamic promotion and job opportunities.
    If your skills set and interests align with the position, get in the game! 

    Send your Cover Letter, CV and Application Form in English to:

    Before March 24th, 2012
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