29 November 2012

Job Vacancy Dharma Group

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DHARMA GROUP is a well established OEM manufacturer with 10 subsidiary companies. We are Member of TRIPUTRA GROUP (Mining, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Trading & Service), a part of number 9 biggest group’s in Indonesia – Globe magazine version of August 2011.
To realize our aim to be world class manufacturing company, we are seeking for talented & high potential candidates to be part of our dynamic team and future leader.


  1. Hold Diploma 3 Automotive, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical
  2. (GPA min 2,75) 
  3. Fresh graduate or 1 year experience. 
  4. Max age 23 years old. 
  5. Good analytical thinking and self confidence. 
  6. Good communication skill and good interpersonal skill. 
  7. Able to work under pressure to achieve goal. 
  8. Hard worker and able to work under pressure. 
  9. Active in organization. 

Send your latest CV to
Gedung KPLT Fakultas Teknik UNY Lt.II 
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Or register online ! 

Closing data : December 08th 2012

Test : InsyAllah December 10th 2012

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21 November 2012

Job Vacancy Schlumberger

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Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB) is the world's leading oilfield services company supplying technology, information solutions and integrated project management that optimize reservoir performance for customers working in the oil and gas industry. Founded in 1926, today the company employs more than 115,000 people of over 140 nationalities working in approximately 85 countries.
Position available :


Requirements :

  1. FS/MT : D-3 and D-4 only, all engineering alumni or student in last semester
  2. Very good academic result, with min GPA 2,80
  3. Young male & female, dynamic men only
  4. Good command of spoken and written english
  5. Adaptable, creative, hard working, independent, self-motivated
  6. Willing to work under pressure

Selection test will be held on
Thursday, 22nd November 2012
07-30-17.00 WIB
Ruang Sidang Utama LPPM Gedung Pusat UGM Lt. 3 Sayap Selatan

Please prepare your CV with transcript
Bring writing board for technical test

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20 November 2012


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Career Opportunities
Management Trainee

PT. waskita karya is one of a leading state owned enterprises in contruction industry with wide range activities: highways, brigges, ports, air ports, buildings, sewarage plans, cements plants, factories and other industrial facilities.

PT Waskita Karya Strongly believed that our people are our greatest assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit, develop and ratain the best talent to fulfill our vision and mission.

currently we have Managment Trainee opportunities in following area :
1. Civil Engineerig (CE)
2. Architectural Engineerig (EA)
3. Electrical Engineering (EE)
4. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
5. Engineering Geodesy (EG)
6. Public Health (PH)
7. Acounting (ACC)
8. Financial Managament (FM)

Requirements :
1. Fress Graduate with maximum 25 years old
2. Bechelor Degree (S1) from reputable University with minimum GPA of 2.75
3. Graduated from Reputable University
4. Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia/ Overseas (Middle East)
5. interested in contuction industry
6. A higly driven and motivated self starter with a strong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal.

send your application letter, CV, Recent Photograph (4x6), copy S1 Certificate and copy of Academic transcript By email to: 

whrite MT and Bacgaound Education (CE, EA, EE, ME, EG, PH, ACC, FM) inthe left cornet ofthe envelope

Closing data : 27 November 2012
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16 November 2012

PT Javan Cipta Solusi

1 komentar

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13 November 2012

Lowongan PT. Sari Husada

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PT. Dharmamulia Purna Karya adalah sebuah Lembaga Penyedia dan Penempatan Swasta (LPPS) / outsourcing membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk klien kami PT. Sari Husada dengan posisi sebagai :

Teknisi Mekatronik (TM)

Persyaratan :
  • Laki-Laki usia maks. 30 tahun
  • pendidikan minimal D3 Mekatronika
  • Fresh graduate dipersilahkan melamar
  • paham troble shooting kelistrikan dan mekanikal pabrik
  • untuk ditempatkan di PT. Sari Husada yang berlokasi di Kemudo, Prambanan, Klaten

Bagi alumni yg berminat Secepatnya silahkan mengirimkan berkas lamaran, cantumkan Kode posisi dan nomer telpon yang bisa dihubungi pada sudut kanan surat lamaran anda ke :

HRD PT. Dharmamulia Purna Karya
Jl. Kaliurang KM. 6,5 Pandega Sakti No.6 Yogyakarta 55281
atau email ke dharmamulia.rec@gmail.com
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12 November 2012

Job Vacancy PT Aisin Indonesia

0 komentar
PT. Aisin Indonesia is a Joint Venture company between PT. Astra AutoParts Tbk (Astra International Group) and PT. Aisin Japan (a member of the Toyota Manufactur Corporation Group). PT. Aisin Indonesia moves in the field of Automotive Component Manufacturing, with some 1200 employees working. Our company is located in the area EJIP (East Jakarta Industrial Park), Cikarang, Bekasi. Pt Aisin Indonesia product are body part (door frame, door lock, window regulator, etc), drive train (clutch cover, clutch disc), Engine part (intake manifold, oil pump, water pump). To support PT. Aisin Indonesia is growing, we currently require a qualified candidate and has the potential to position: 

  1. Engineering staff 
  2. Maintenance staff 
  3. Purchasing staff 
  4. Manufacture support staff 
  5. IT Staff 
  6. Accounting staff 
  7. HR Staff 
Requirement :
  • Position 1-4 : Male, S1 & D3 T Mesin, Elektro, Elektronika, Industri, Otomotif 
  • Position 5 : Male, S1 T informatika 
  • Position 6 : Male/female, S1 Akuntansi 
  • Position 7 : Male, S1 Psikologi, ilmu komunikasi, hukum 

Please sent your CV to

Deadline November 23th 2012

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Lowongan PT GWS Engineering

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PT GWS Engineering perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultansi engineering memerlukan tenaga untuk dilibatkan dalam PROYEK OFFSHORE-ONSHORE CONOCOPHILIPS . Adapun posisi yang kami perlukan beserta kriteria minimum yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut: 

Project Manager
Kualifikasi :
  1. Lulusan S1/S2 Teknik Sipil 
  2. Pengalaman min 5 th sbg Project Manager 
  3. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani 

Kualifikasi :
  1. Lulusan S1/S2 Teknik Sipil 
  2. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani 
  3. Mampu bekerja dalam tim 
  4. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan) 

HSE Coordinator
Kualifikasi :
  1. Lulusan D3/S1/S2 
  2. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang HSE 
  3. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani 
  4. Mampu bekerja dalam tim 
  5. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan) 

Kualifikasi :
  1. Lulusan D3/S1/S2 
  2. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang HSE 
  3. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani 
  4. Mampu bekerja dalam tim 
  5. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan) 

Kualifikasi :
  1. Lulusan D3/S1/S2 
  2. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang HSE 
  3. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani 
  4. Mampu bekerja dalam tim 
  5. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan) 

Kualifikasi :
  1. Lulusan D3/S1/S2 
  2. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang HSE 
  3. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani 
  4. Mampu bekerja dalam tim 
  5. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan) 

Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan CV dan lamaran lengkap ke

Paling lambat tanggal 19 November 2012

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8 November 2012

PT Andalan Multi Kencana “AllMakes”

0 komentar
PT Andalan Multi Kencana “AllMakes” is a subsidiary of PT United Tractors Tbk (ASTRA Group) that focuses on spare parts for heavy equipment. With an extensive network of 60 points of sale through PT United Tractors Tbk, and 6 large depots located in Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, and Samarinda, as well as 30 dealer-owned stock centers for retail-based sales, AllMakes is able to effectively reach customers across Indonesia. To become a world-class company and to further develop parts solutions for heavy equipment, AllMakes runs a joint-venture manufacturing operation with PT. Astra International Tbk. As act as a holding company and to expand its market within the Southeast Asia region, at the end of 2010 PT Andalan Multi Kencana established AllMakes Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, a joint-venture company based in Singapore.

We are now inviting applications from suitably qualified and motivated candidates to join our company as:

1. Parts Analysts (throughout Indonesia)
Job Description
Analyzing, controlling and regulating matters related to spare parts inventories for heavy equipment.
  • Diploma 3 in mechanical, electrical or industrial engineering
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 (4.00)
  • Maximum age 24
  • Fresh graduate or work experience of at least 1 year
  • Good analytical thinking and interpersonal and communications skills
  • High levels of motivation and initiativeWilling to work anywhere in Indonesia

2. Sales Task Force (throughout Indonesia)
Job Description
Responsible for managing and implementing all activities related to sales of spare parts for heavy equipment in response to customer needs, developing customer relations, and receiving payments from customers effectively and efficiently so as to achieve the sales targets set by the company.
  • Diploma 3 in mechanical, electrical or industrial engineering and management
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 (4.00)
  • Maximum age 24
  • Fresh graduate or work experience of at least 1 year
  • Good analytical thinking and interpersonal and communications skills
  • High levels of motivation and initiativeWilling to work anywhere in Indonesia

3. Management Trainee (throughout Indonesia)
  • Minimum bachelors degree in mechanical, electrical or industrial engineering and management
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 (4.00)
    Maximum age 27
  • Fresh graduate or work experience of at least 1 yearGood analytical thinking and interpersonal and communications skills
  • High levels of motivation and initiative
  • Willing to work anywhere in Indonesia

Attractive compensation and benefits packages are available to those who candidates who pass the test.

Application and CV sent to :
Gedung KPLT Lt. 2 Sayap Barat
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta
Or register online !
Joint NOW

Closing data : December 05th 2012

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7 November 2012

PT Wijaya Karya Insan Pertiwi

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PT Wijaya Karya Insan Pertiwi adalah perusahaan konstruksi mekanikal dan elektrikal serta Operation dan Maintenance yang tengah berkembang, yang juga termasuk dalam grup PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. 
Posisi yang dibutuhkan : 


  • D3/S1 Teknik Sipil, Teknik Otomotif, T Mesin, T Elektro, 
  • IPK min 2.75 
  • Mampu berbahasa inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan 
  • Mempunyai motivasi, energik dan bisa bekerjasama dalam tim 
  • Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahan 

Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirim CV dan surat lamaran lengkap  ke : 
Manager HC & SI 
PT Wijaya Karya Insan Pertiwi 
Menara MTH Lt. 17 Jl M. T. Haryono Kav 23 Jakarta 
Atau via email ke :

Paling lambat tanggal 30 November 2012 2012

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5 November 2012

Lowongan PT Softex

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Jl. Taman Kebon Sirih II No. 3A Jakarta Pusat

Telp. 021 - 3914060. Fax 021-4340

Membutuhkan Karyawan Lulusan D3 Teknik Elektro & D3 Teknik Mesin untuk bagian :

Quality Control ( inspector )
Kode : QC

Berkas lamaran Disampaikan Ke :
Bag. Tata Usaha (Bapak Yunus)
Program DIploma Teknik Elektro
Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gajah Mada
Jl. Yacaranda sekip Unit IV Yogyakarta

Selambat-lambatnya tanggal 16 November 2012 pada jam kerja
Pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan di panggil dan mengikuti test

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